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Has that day finally come? After years of polishing and refining your tracks, you finally have material for your dream album? Then all that’s left is to release it! Find out about the criteria you need to meet before pressing vinyl or CD/DVD at XDiSC. We do not make single copies. The minimum number we...
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Compared to CD-R burning, CD pressing is completely professional media production method. The whole process takes place in an injection molding machine, where the discs are made of heated polycarbonate under high pressure in the mold. The matrix created during the mastering process is then imprinted into the disc. How is a CD/DVD created? The...
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Not so long ago, they were lying in our basements or hidden somewhere deep in the wardrobe, now they are considered a scarce commodity that is gaining in value – we are talking about vinyl records that are coming back into fashion, both in Poland and abroad. We can buy them in a modern form,...
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Few days ago, the long-awaited premiere of the album “Vademecum” by Mor W.A. took place. On this occasion, a video clip was created for the song “DS2” with the participation of O.S.T.R. and Zbuk. After 19 years, they are refreshing a classic “For Listeners” that was the part of Polish rap history. The clip was...
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There is no doubt that streaming services are becoming more and more popular every year. However, one of our old and beloved music formats – the vinyl record – seems to be making a comeback.
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We have just received another (certainly not the last this year) automatic press for pressing vinyl records – Pheenix Alpha AD12.
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For a short time, the vinyl record seemed to be a relic of the past, but its value has been rediscovered by users. Vinyls can be bought today not only in music shops, but also in second-hand shops, street stalls, flea markets, and online auctions. What is the reason for such a purchase? Incredible sound...
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Vinyl records are so appreciated for a reason – they sound great, and listening to them is a real ceremony, which allows you to appreciate the music even more. Vinyls are long-lived and still retain their unique sound after many decades, but they require proper treatment to protect them from damage. Proper storage The history...
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To each order of vinyl records (regardless of the quantity) you can get* 2% of the volume of our anti-skating disc. Here is an example of what it might look for you:
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XDiSC is a vinyl/CD/DVD pressing plant that has been offering comprehensive services in the field of optical media and vinyl production for almost 20 years: from project preparation and packaging and printing, through disc pressing, to packaging and distribution of the finished product.
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A decade ago, we welcomed their triumphant return. Today, manufacturers can’t keep up with the ever-growing demand. Why can’t the vinyl record become a mass product again? For the full article “Crowded vinyl market. How much can a black record hold,” by Jan Blaszczak with statements by CEO Wojciech Wróbel, we refer you to the...
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The partner portal about vinyl culture published a review of our antiscatting calibration board. We invite you to read it: https://www.psychosonda.pl/winyle/plyta-do-kalibracji-antyskatingu-od-xdisc  
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